Eastern Lightning, Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared! We welcome all truth-seekers to come here and look.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (6) - How to Discern God’s Voice (2)

“He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches” (Revelation 2:29). Now do you hear what the Spirit said to the churches? Are the words of Almighty God and of the Lord Jesus uttered by one Spirit? Are they from the same source? This clip will give you the answer.

Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (1) - How Should We Watch and Wait for the Lord’s Return?https://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=1m48s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (2) - Be a Wise Virgin and Learn to Distinguish the True Christ From False Ones https://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=23m31s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (3) - Only by Doing God’s Will Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heavenhttps://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=56m45s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (4) - The End of Those Who Oppose the Lord’s Returnhttps://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=1h18m58s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (5) - How to Discern God’s Voice (1) https://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=1h32m24s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (6) - How to Discern God’s Voice (2) https://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=2h2m11s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (7) - Almighty God Opens the Seven Seals https://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=2h25m50s 
Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (8) - God’s Righteous Disposition Tolerates No Offensehttps://youtu.be/rLKd8TtU1qc?t=2h49m56s 
EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ , “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@almightygod.church

This video is the public-use product made independently by the Church of Almighty God. All the actors and actresses in this video perform for the public and are volunteers. We publish this video product without charging third parties any fees, and welcome everyone to share it. Without the approval of the Church of Almighty God, any organization, social group or person are forbidden to falsify or distort this video.

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