Eastern Lightning, Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared! We welcome all truth-seekers to come here and look.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Hymn of God's Word "No One Is Aware of God’s Arrival" | The Church of Almighty God

No One Is Aware of God’s Arrival

No one is aware of the arrival of God, no one welcomes God’s arrival.
Even more, no one knows all that God will do.
No one knows all that God will do.
Man’s life remains unchanged; the same heart, usual days.
God lives among us like an ordinary person,
as a most insignificant member of the followers, as an ordinary believer.
No one is aware of the arrival of God, no one welcomes God’s arrival.
Even more, no one knows all that God will do.
No one knows all that God will do.
Man’s life remains unchanged; the same heart, usual days.
God lives among us like an ordinary person,
as a most insignificant member of the followers, as an ordinary believer.
He has His own pursuits, and His own goals.
And He has divinity not possessed by men.
None has noticed the existence of His divinity,
or the difference between His substance and man’s.

We live together with Him, unconstrained and unafraid,
for we see Him as nothing more than an insignificant believer.
He watches our every move,
and all of our thoughts and ideas are laid bare before Him,
are laid bare before Him.
We live together with Him, unconstrained and unafraid,
for we see Him as nothing more than an insignificant believer.
He watches our every move,
and all of our thoughts and our ideas are laid bare before Him,
are laid bare before Him.
No one takes an interest in God’s existence,
no one has any imagination of His function,
and even more, no one has any suspicion about who He is.
We merely continue our pursuits, as if God has nothing to do with us.

God’s love, unfailing, like the spring water extending forth.
It is given to you, it is given to me, and it is given to him.
God’s love given to all those who truly seek the truth
and await the appearance, await the appearance of God.
It is given to all those who truly seek the truth
and await the appearance, await the appearance of God.

As the moon always follows the sun, the work of God never ceases.
It is done in you, it is done in me, it is done in him as well.
It is done in all those who follow God’s footprints
and accept God’s judgment and chastisement.
It is done in you, it is done in me, it is done in him as well.
It is done in all those who follow God’s footprints
and in all those who accept judgment and chastisement of God.

from “Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 18
Love God With All My Heart I "I Will Love God to Eternity" (Official Music Video) https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/i-will-love-god-to-eternity
God Is an Everlasting God | "God Is the Beginning and the End" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/god-is-the-beginning-and-the-end/
The Judgment in the Last Days Has Begun | "Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/almighty-god
New Gospel Movie "Waiting" | Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord  https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/movie-waiting/
Shake off the Shackles and Return to God | Official Trailer "Break the Shackles and Run"  https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/break-the-shackles-and-run-trailer

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ , “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@almightygod.church

This video is the public-use product made independently by the Church of Almighty God. All the actors and actresses in this video perform for the public and are volunteers. We publish this video product without charging third parties any fees, and welcome everyone to share it. Without the approval of the Church of Almighty God, any organization, social group or person are forbidden to falsify or distort this video.

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