Eastern Lightning, Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared! We welcome all truth-seekers to come here and look.

Showing posts with label God's voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's voice. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hear God's Voice | "Concerning Appellations and Identity" (Part Two)

Hear God's Voice | "Concerning Appellations and Identity" (Part Two)

Almighty God says, "In the age of the Old Testament, it was Jehovah who led the way, and the work of Jehovah represented the entire age of the Old Testament, and all of the work done in Israel. Moses merely upheld this work on earth, and his labors count as the cooperation provided by man. At the time, it was Jehovah who spoke, and He called Moses, and raised him up among the people of Israel, and made Moses lead them into the wilderness to Canaan. This was not the work of Moses himself, but that which was personally directed by Jehovah, and so Moses cannot be called God.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Eastern Lightning | "God's Utterances to the Entire Universe: The Twenty-sixth Utterance" (Excerpt 1)

Eastern Lightning | "God's Utterances to the Entire Universe: The Twenty-sixth Utterance" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says:"In the kingdom, the myriad things of creation begin to revive and regain their life force. Due to changes in the state of the earth, the boundaries between one land and another also begin to shift. Formerly, I have prophesied: When land is divided from land, and land unites with land, this will be the time that I will smash up the nations into smithereens. At this time, I will renew all of creation and repartition the entire universe, thereby putting the universe in order, transforming its old state into a new one. This is My plan. These are My works.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

How should one disc “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, ern the voice of God? How can one confirm that Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned?

Bible Verses for Reference:

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (Jhn 10:27).

I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12–13).

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Christian Show "Last Days' Pharisees" | Who Blocks Christians From Welcoming Lord Jesus' Return

Christian Show "Last Days' Pharisees" | Who Blocks Christians From Welcoming Lord Jesus' Return 

Christian Zhang Yi heard testimony that the Lord had returned, but as he investigated the true way, his pastor and elder tried several times to stop and prevent him, saying, "Any who claim the Lord has come incarnate are spreading heresy and false teachings. Don't listen to them, don't read their words, and don't have any contact with them!" This confused Zhang Yi, because the Lord Jesus clearly said, "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). "My sheep hear My voice" (John 10:27).

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Second Coming of Jesus | The Word of the Holy Spirit | "What a Beautiful Voice" Gospel Movie Trailer


Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

"The Moment of Change" | Hearing God's Voice and Being Raptured to the Kingdom of Heaven (Trailer)

Su Mingyue is a preacher of a house church in mainland China. Over the years, she has been a devout servant of the Lord who insists on doing preaching work for the Lord and bearing the burden of work for the church.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (2) - How to Understand God Incarnate

In the last days, God has become flesh to work to save man. But because we don't understand the truth of the incarnation, we regard God incarnate as the same as an ordinary person, we cannot recognize God's voice and we know even less how to welcome the Lord—to the point where we are even able to follow the religious world and ruling powers to defy and condemn God—the situation becomes no different from when God incarnated as the Lord Jesus to do His work of the Age of Grace. It appears, therefore, that understanding the truth of the incarnation is key to our knowing God. So what exactly is the incarnation? What is the essence of the incarnation?

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Hymn of God's Word "No Power Can Stand in the Way of What God Wishes to Achieve"

God has now come to the world again to do His work.
The first stop of His work is the grand assemblage of dictators:
China—the powerful stronghold, the stronghold of godlessness.
By His wisdom and His power God has gained a group of men.


God has now come to the world again to do His work.
The first stop of His work is the grand assemblage of dictators:
China—the powerful stronghold, the stronghold of godlessness.
By His wisdom and His power, God has gained a group of men.
During this time, China’s ruling party hunts Him down in every way.
He bears great suffering, with no place to rest or shelter to take.
Even so, God still goes on with the work He has to do,
with the work He has to do: utter His voice, spread the gospel.


None can fathom the almightiness of God.
In such a nation like China that sees God as the enemy,
God has never ever stopped, stopped carrying out His work.
Instead, more and more people have come to accept His work and His word,
for God does all He can to rescue mankind,
He does all He can to rescue every single man, every man.
What God wishes to achieve is something no country,
nor any kind of power can stand in the way of.
And those who obstruct God’s work and resist the word of God,
disrupt and impair His plans, will in the end be punished by God.


If someone defies, defies the work of God,
God shall cast that person straight down into hell;
if a country defies, defies the work of God,
God shall put this country into destruction;
if a nation rises up to oppose the work of God,
God shall make this nation vanish from earth and cease to exist.
What God wishes to achieve is something no country,
nor any kind of power can stand in the way of.
And those who obstruct God’s work and resist the word of God,
disrupt and impair His plans, will in the end be punished by God.

What God wishes to achieve is something no country,
nor any kind of power can stand in the way of.
And those who obstruct God’s work and resist the word of God,
disrupt and impair His plans, will in the end be punished by God.
from “God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Love God Forever | Praise and Worship "God’s True Love" 

Mongolian Dance | New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared "The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/the-universe-and-expanse-is-praising-god

Be Full of Love for God | A Cappella "Praise the New Life" (Official Music Video)  https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/mv-praise-the-new-life/
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/chinese-choir-episode-17/

New Gospel Movie | Disclose the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven "Awakening From the Dream" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/movie-awakening-from-the-dream/

Be Good Soldiers of Christ | Official Trailer "Song of Victory" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/song-of-victory-official-trailer

Following the Footprints of the Lamb | Official Trailer "Waiting"

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ , “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’sword, you will see that God has appeared.