Eastern Lightning, Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared! We welcome all truth-seekers to come here and look.

Showing posts with label true belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true belief. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "True Meaning of Faith in God" | The Church of Almighty God

True Meaning of Faith in God

So many people believe, but so few understand what faith in God really means, what they need to do to beat with God's heart. So many know the word "God," know phrases like the "work of God," but they don't know Him, nor what He really does. No wonder their faith is blind. They're not serious about this because it's unfamiliar and strange. So they are far short of God's demands. If you don't know God and His work, can you be fit for His use? Can you fulfill the desire of God? Believing that God exists is not enough. That's too simple, it's too religious. It's not the same as real belief in Him. True faith in God means you experience His works and His words on the faith that He's sovereign over everything. Then you can free yourself from corrupt disposition and fulfill God's desires in your life and come to know Him. That's the way to true belief in God. That's the way to true belief in Him.

Friday, June 16, 2017

God's Love Never Fails | Short Film "A New Life Out of Tortures"

Li Yan was a leader of the Church of Almighty God. Once on her way to a meeting, she was arrested by the CCP government without reason and was cruelly tortured by the devils. When they found her pregnant through the examination, without her knowing it, the CCP lackeys made her abort with drugs, such a sinister means. In order to cover the crime, they even savagely gave her injections causing “dementia.” And they forced her to take the pills causing schizophrenia for five months, in an attempt to make her demented and lose memory. Li Yan was damaged and fell into a trance, and gradually she had hallucinations and a stupor…. Overwhelmed with distress, she was in despair and tried to commit suicide many times. However, Almighty God inspired and guided her with words time after time, and also let the sisters in jail help her. Thus, gradually she got back to a normal mentality.... Almighty God especially kept and led her in the devil’s dark den, so that she stood tenaciously in the tortures of the devils, walked out of the valley of the shadow of death step by step, and saw the light again.…

Endless Praise | Official Trailer “Dance and Singing Compilation” https://youtu.be/mfdnPXRGmfI
Fulfill God's Purpose in my Life | "Marching on the Path of Loving God" (Official Music Video)
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17" https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0
Find the Source | Gospel Movie "Who Is He That Has Returned" https://youtu.be/xvJYfgA_dyc
Return Before God’s Throne | Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" https://youtu.be/HesQRsqo2wE 

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Email: info@almightygod.church 

This video is the public-use product made independently by the Church of Almighty God. All the actors and actresses in this video perform for the public and are volunteers. We publish this video product without charging third parties any fees, and welcome everyone to share it. Without the approval of the Church of Almighty God, any organization, social group or person are forbidden to falsify or distort this video. If any person claims any material within this video, please contact us and we will state the name of the producer and the product in this video.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

God's Utterance "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself III" (Part Seven)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
12. Jesus’ Words to His Disciples After His Resurrection

Read more: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/recital-god-work-god-disposition-iii-04-07/

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God, Christ of the last days in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God's word, you will see that God has appeared.

Website: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/godfootstepsen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godfootstepsen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchAlmighty
Blog: https://en.blog.hidden-advent.org/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thechurchofalmightygod
Email: info@almightygod.church

This video is the public-use product made independently by the Church of Almighty God. We publish this video product without charging third parties any fees, and welcome everyone to share it. Without the approval of the Church of Almighty God, any organization, social group or person are forbidden to falsify or distort this video.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

God's Utterance "How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work" (Part Five)

God’s words in this video are from the book “A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh.”
The content of this video:
Man’s Fate Is Decided by His Attitude Toward God https://youtu.be/wqD1nTkODAM?t=39s
The Starting Point for Fearing God Is to Treat Him Like God
Those People Who Are Not Acknowledged by God
Words of Admonishmenthttps://youtu.be/wqD1nTkODAM?t=29m13s

Love God Forever | Praise and Worship "God’s True Love" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/god-true-love-2/
Mongolian Dance | New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared "The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/the-universe-and-expanse-is-praising-god
Be Full of Love for God | A Cappella "Praise the New Life" (Official Music Video) https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/mv-praise-the-new-life/
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/chinese-choir-episode-17/
New Gospel Movie | Disclose the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven "Awakening From the Dream" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/movie-awakening-from-the-dream/

Be Good Soldiers of Christ | Official Trailer "Song of Victory" https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/videos/song-of-victory-official-trailer

Following the Footprints of the Lamb | Official Trailer "Waiting"

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ , “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@almightygod.church

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Hymn of God's Word "The Serious Consequence of Corrupt Mankind Resisting God"

The Serious Consequence of Corrupt Mankind Resisting God

Accompaniment: Ah … ah … ah….

1. Mankind has developed through tens of thousands of years of history to get where they are today. However, the mankind of God’s original creation has long ago sunk into degeneracy. They are already not what God intended, and thus people, the way God sees them, are already undeserving of the name mankind. They are rather the scum of mankind, looted by Satan, and the rotten walking corpses Satan lives in and is clothed with.

2. People do not in the least believe in God’s existence, nor do they welcome His arrival. Mankind only begrudgingly responds to God’s requests, temporarily agrees with them, and does not sincerely share in life’s joys and sorrows with God. As people see God as inscrutable, they begrudgingly pretend to smile at Him, betraying their manner of coddling up to power. This is because people have no knowledge of God’s work, much less of His intention today. God will be honest with all of you—when the day comes, the suffering of anyone who worships God will be easier to bear than yours. The degree of your faith in God does not, in actuality, exceed that of Job—and even the faith of the Jewish Pharisees surpasses yours—so in the impending days of fire, you will suffer more seriously than the Pharisees when rebuked by Jesus, more seriously than the 250 leaders that had resisted Moses, and more seriously than Sodom under the scorching flames of its destruction.

from “What a Real Man Means” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Mongolian Dance | New Heaven and Earth Has Appeared "The Universe and Expanse Is Praising God" https://youtu.be/r4MHA0a7VNA
Be Full of Love for God | A Cappella "Praise the New Life" (Official Music Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4-7MiWaGAM
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17" https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0
New Gospel Trailer | Shake off the Shackles and Return to God "Break the Shackles and Run"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZlB5Kcc3lE

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ , “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@almightygod.church